Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Assistant professor of Arabic Language Translation, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran-

3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Zabol National University, Zabol, Iran-


There is a close relationship between language and cultural factors which becomes stronger with expansion of linguistic relations among nations. Translators play a critical role in transferring the culture of source language to target language. There are some interpretations in Arabic novels that are considered as taboo in Iran demanding the translator to try the most appropriate procedure to reduce the negative meaning of these taboos besides safekeeping the source language. The translator can achieve its goal by providing a radial network of meaning. The present study investigated the taboos of Al-Tashahhi novel (2007, A.D.) by Aliyah Mamdouh based on a descriptive-analytical method. The results of the study indicated that radial network in the translation of Al-Tashahhi taboo is very effective in maintaining the social self-sufficiency of the Persian-speaking audience. Also, semantic implication (41%), allegory (26%), and laconism (11%) is considered as the most frequent semantic network in the proposed translation of Al-Tashahhi taboos


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