Document Type : Research Paper


Institute for Applied Linguistics, University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona


Socioterminology is a discourse-based approach that evaluates the terms in their real contexts. In this approach, for measuring the accuracy of standardized equivalents, considering the time factor in implantation function, one or more standardized equivalents can be compared with other existing equivalents and their related terms. This paper, adopting this approach in the framework of language planning, aims to study the relationship between terminology and “vadjeh-gozini” in the context of the “Terminology Guideline”, approved and published by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, as the standard manual for Persian term standardization. For this purpose, first, the terms composed of “vadjeh-gozini” or directly related terms to this concept are extracted. Second, the application of the terms and their semantic references are studied, and their meanings are compared with the definitions of terminology. The results show that “vadjeh-gozoini” is a polysemous term, referring to term formation and standardization. Since, differentiating it from terminology is necessary. Besides, its related terms such as “equivalent selection” and “vadjeh-gozini methods” have brought about some difficulties in comprehension of the concept of “vadjeh-gozini”. Therefore, a revision is suggested. In this paper, the author has suggested a sample of conceptual harmonization between “vadjeh-gozini” and some of its related terms in Persian, including their corresponding English terms. The methodology used in this article paves the way for the systematic decision making in Persian terminology, and simultaneously, intends to reduce the conceptual gaps of professional communications in terminology domain.


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