The performance comparison of the basic machine learning algorithms in Persian poem classification into two categories: with allusion and without allusion

Parisa Mohammadian Kalkhuran; Mohammad Bahrani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 January 2022

  The aim of this research is to survey the performance of several Machine Learning (ML) methods in Persian poem classification into two categories: with allusion and without allusion. To this end, several supervised learning methods are exploited, namely Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision ...  Read More

Interpreting and Analyzing Dramatic texts stylistically and structurally: Systemic approach

Raziyeh Gholipour Hafshejani; Mohammad Dabir moghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 January 2022

  Abstract Theoretical foundation of systemic functional grammar as a general and corpus-based theory concentrates on function and meaning and also focuses on text and the use of language in context. This theory should be applicable to all languages and linguistic works. In this grammar all our inner and ...  Read More

Stylistic Devices in Iranian Sport Newspaper Headlines

Mohammad Dabir-Moghaddam; Hossein Raeesi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 January 2022

  Stylistic devices are highly used to write interesting news headlines. However, a review of literature shows that very few studies have been conducted on their usage in a sport context. Therefore, this study has sought to investigate the stylistic devices used in the Iranian sport newspaper headlines. ...  Read More

Agreement system in Khaniki language

Saeed Labbafan; Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 January 2022

  The main purpose of this study is providing a grammatical description of the agreement system in Khaniki language, based on empirical data. This variant belongs to South-Western Iranian languages. This language, as well as many other Iranian languages, is an endangered language. This language is spoken ...  Read More

Representation of Aspect and Mood in Persian Conditional Constructions: A Corpus-based Study

Mojdeh Parsa kia; Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 09 July 2022

  Conditional constructions are linguistic expressions in which the occurrence of a phenomenon or situation is subject to the occurrence of another phenomenon or situation. This type of construction has different tense patterns regarding its semantic features. This study was conducted to explain the representation ...  Read More

The Iranicization of Qashqai Turkic: Contact-Induced Change in Clause Combining Strategies

Sadegh Hemmati; Mohammad Dabir-Moghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 26 July 2022

  Qashqai Turkic is one of the southwestern ​​(Oghuz) Turkic languages in Iran, which has undergone profound changes at all language levels as a result of intense and long-term contact with Persian. This study investigates the changes that have occurred as a result of this contact in the strategies ...  Read More

Passive construction in pashai language

Noorahman Naseh; Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 28 December 2022

  AbstractAll languages of the world have passive construction that behaves differently in the process of passive formation. One kind of passive construction observed in the world's languages is analytical that Iranian languages usually utilize it to construct passive construction. Pashai language, which ...  Read More

Passive structure in Pashto language

Enayat Rahman Mayar; Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 February 2023

  This article investigates the passive structure of Pashto language, Pashto language has passive structure which has various structural similarities with the passive structure of Persian language. This article initially discusses the recognition and explanations of passive structure provided from the ...  Read More

The structure of conditional sentences and it's semantic classification in Pashto

Ismatullah Miakhil; Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 February 2023

  The paṢto/ Pashto language is classified as a (subject-object-verb) or (SOV) language, and it is one of the post-position languages. This language is lexical-based in independent, coordinating, and dependent clauses (subject-object-verb). Pashto is spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan and even in India. ...  Read More

A Comparative Analysis of Persian and English word-formation processes (A Case study of Terms Approved by Academy of Persian Language and Literature in Four Fields of Transportation)

Reza Sahraee; Hossein Bazoubandi; Hamed Mowlaei Kuhbanani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 February 2024

  In order to strengthen the scientific register of Persian language, word selection for the scientific terms of foreign languages and accurate knowledge of word-formation mechanisms in this register and its capacities are of considerable importance. Few statistical and corpus-based researches have been ...  Read More

Discourse of Senile with Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type: Conversational Coherence

Masoud Dehghan; Nima Moshtaghi; Shahla Raghibdoust; Kourosh Saberi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 04 April 2024

  Coherence is one of the discourse–building features whose absence in the discourse of senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type causes their discourse becomes misunderstanding. So, the present study aims to investigate coherence in the discourse of Kurdish senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s ...  Read More

The Post-Verbal Position of the Non-Core Elements of the Clause in Persian

Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam; Vida Shaghaghi; Mojtaba Monshizadeh; Hussein Piri

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 April 2024

  Persian is a verb-final language; that is, its basic unmarked word order is SOV. Clauses in Persian, like other languages, have both the core- elements and non-core elements. The lack of the non-core elements or adjuncts in a clause does not make it ungrammatical but a speaker or writer use these elements ...  Read More

Pathology of the Language of Science in Persian Literary Research (Case Study: Selected Works as the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 1980s)

somayeh aghababaei; mohammad mahdi zamani; Nematollah Iranzadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 April 2024

  Considering the importance of Persian literary works in linguistic studies and teaching Persian speakers of other languages, it is very important to study the scientific works that have been written to introduce or critique prominent Persian literary works. However, in many cases, these scientific works ...  Read More

The Evaluation of “Farsi Biyamuzim" collection based on the checklist of the book Mokandan and Nimehchi Salem
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 April 2024

  Textbooks and teaching materials have high-‌priority in foreign language teaching and they provide a curriculum-based framework for teachers.Since language teachers are faced with a myriad of resources when choosing, they must systematically evaluate them so that they can decide on the most appropriate ...  Read More

Parade of Metaphors in the Era of Corona: Exploring News Headlines within the Framework of Cognitive Linguistics

Mahsa Sadeghi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 April 2024

  Metaphors have a very essential role and importance in the system of the human mind and cognition. From the very beginning of the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) to the present day, metaphors have played a significant role in the conceptualization of this illness and related issues. The ...  Read More

the frequency of applying semantic equivalent of words that make the language field based on radical network studying 5 words"Lessan Qara, Khataba, Samea, and Kataba" in translations of Foladvand and Qomshei and interpretations of Al-Mizan and Nemoneh

fatameh nosrati mumvandi; Reza Morad Sahraei; Hayat Ameri; Abbas Ashrafi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 April 2024

  The present study aims at studying radial network of the five words "Lesan, Qara, Khataba, Samea, and Kataba" based on cognitive semantics. Likewise, determining frequency of usage of radial meanings and prototypical meaning of the given word in two translations of Quran by Foladvand and Qomshei and ...  Read More

Argument Structure of Persian Possessive Verbs in the Mirror of the Agreement and Case-Marking Systems

Fatemeh Bahrami

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 July 2024

  Despite being transitive, possessive verbs are characterized by a lower level of transitivity due to their non-action nature. As a result, the semantic roles of the arguments of such verbs, which pertain to the possessor and the possessed rather than the agent and patient, significantly impact their ...  Read More

Studying the Gilaki Dialect from the Computational Dialectology Perspective: Developing a Lemmatized and Part-of-Speech Tagged Corpus

Masood Ghayoomi; Shayan Mohseni Khorrami; Atena BakhshiZadeh Gashti

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 September 2024

  Dialectology is a major research topic for a long time to find the dialects’ geographical distribution and to classify dialects to develope the atlas of dialects. In this field, one can use computer’s capabilities to store and to organize information, to find similarities between dialects, ...  Read More