Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Ira

2 faculty member of Allame Tabataee University

3 faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University

4 Associate Professor


The present study aims at studying radial network of the five words "Lesan, Qara, Khataba, Samea, and Kataba" based on cognitive semantics. Likewise, determining frequency of usage of radial meanings and prototypical meaning of the given word in two translations of Quran by Foladvand and Qomshei and two interpretations of Al-Mizan and Nemoneh is another purpose of the article. To determine the radial meanings and prototypical meaning of the given word, Tyler and Evans (2001)’s criteria were used. The analysis showed that the tools such as metonymy, metaphorical expansion and image schema play the main role in expanding the prototypical meaning of the given word; and meanwhile metaphorical expansion plays the main role in expanding the prototypical meaning. Additionally, it was found that in the translations and interpretations, there is a relative balance between usage of prototypical meaning and radial meanings of the words; although in some words this balance does not fit.
